What’s Wrong with Inter-communion? – No Other Foundation

Maybe I’m not verbalizing this clearly so Imma take a direct approach to this: If it is a heretical doctrine in any way shape or form that is not Christianity and EVERYONE needs to stay away. This goes for Islam, Moronism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc. What I seek is not a snowball of everyone who claims Christianity or has some Christian element and has major antithetical augments against it (please see the cults listed above). I’m not angry, I just don’t want you unnecessarily frustrated lol.

That being said, in inter-communion people who are actually Christian but happen to belong to a different denomination are welcome to commune. Because we share the same faith expressed different ways. Therefore if you believe the basic bible story of Jesus being the son of God, dying for our sins, and of course the rest of story, you are Christian, therefore we can commune.

Lastly, what you speak in terms of these complex issues are very true and I believe is a major setback from true unity. This largely caused by a mass amount of misinformation spread around because the real info is close lipped to those only in that community. I think this is something to pray about honestly, that we will learn about each other in truth and not some hearsay and respect each other’s differences. If venerating icons draws you closer to God, it will not land out of the faith so Idc if you do or don’t. But I understand not everyone is blessed with that insight. Again, we need communion to dispel myths about one another, to stop fighting over things that are not of any importance, and embrace our differences as one body.

/r/OrthodoxChristianity Thread Parent Link - blogs.ancientfaith.com