What’s your background?

Education: Chemical Engineering (Bsc) Reservoir Geology (Msc, just missing thesis) Petroleum Engineering (Msc, just missing thesis) Tech. Business and Management (Msc) Economics and Finance (Msc, specialization, I love this shit)

Experience: (Commissioning) Engineering (3.5jr) Customer relations and communication (from call center agent to setting up customer support centers (2) and training ppl (~15-20), done this for way too many years) GDPR and being a DPO (2jr) Degenerate day trader (3jr)

Took a pause in investment because of personal issues. Slowly picking up life again. Why trading? Cuz the game of life is rigged. As a laborer you will never be able to guarantee your future except in the most egalitarian of countries of which there are only a couple. Above all, freedom can be bought, though at quite a steep price. You can’t afford freedom as a laborer. Need say more?

/r/wallstreetbets Thread