What’s your “bro I got you moment”

This was back when we were in university, this girl I was crushing on for about 2 years was visiting me. She would constantly lead me on and I kept falling for it each time (young & dumb). We were going out clubbing the night she visited. One of my best friends at university knew about this situation, and I told him before the night out just make sure I don’t get any alone time with her. Stop me from falling into her traps again. “Just cockblock me each time no matter what”. There he was, every time she would grind on me, he would jump in between. Everytime she’d try to speak to me, he would dance me away. Everytime she’d be want to go for a drink, he’d come and down my drink for me. What a guy, what a night.

He still says “no dude has ever asked me to cockblock them before” hahah.

/r/AskMen Thread