What’s your pitch for a movie or series of movies set AFTER the Skywalker saga?

Here’s mine:

Within a couple centuries after TROS, the galaxy has no centralized government and is instead broken up into nation-states comprised of systems with like economic needs and interests.

The new Jedi order trained by Rey has evolved into a more spiritual organization without close ties to any military or government. The name Skywalker is a thing of legend throughout the galaxy but is deeply rooted in the order’s philosophy. Lukes name has become synonymous with a hero throughout the galaxy, but for the order, he has become the source of spiritual teachings while Rey is revered as a builder and has passed on the name as a title for the order’s grand master. The Skywalker isn’t responsible for making all decisions, but is instead looked to for wisdom and guidance within the order. While many Jedi still carry lightsabers and it is still a symbol of the order, not all Jedi carry them as there are now numerous disciplines that Jedi follow. There are some that merely study the force, some that use it as their sole means of defense. There are Jedi that specialize in certain abilities and/or roles.

Although the Jedi are now more spiritual and independent, the do still have a role in the galaxy. Jedi consulars serve as advisors and peacekeepers, assigning themselves to the leadership of various system coalitions. There are also still Jedi knights, only now this is a more specialized role rather than rank. Dark side cultists, obsessive artifact hunters, and sith-like sorcerers still exist everywhere in the galaxy and the Jedi knights work with groups of other people with specialized skills to seek out and stop the machinations of dark side groups and individuals.

We are introduced to some main characters. The first is a female Jedi knight (picturing a new leading lady) who has only recently risen to a level of independence in the order with the death of her master. Another we follow is a Jedi beast master (thinking Jason momoa-type). He communes with creatures through the force and has a special bond with one in particular. We have a headstrong young treasure-hunter who now helps Jedi on quests to ancient sites with dark side activity (so he gets the added bonus of finding items he can barter) (imagine Chris pine). And many others.

In the movies and/or tv shows we follow each of these characters through different kinds of stories. But the meta plot involves the Grysk appearing searching for certain ancient artifacts (these can little nods to the saga in some way and even tie into other projects like the animated series’s and the high republic project) This group of grysk are led by a cadre of force sensitive grysk warriors that carry lightsaber like weapons. But there is a shadowy figure they answer to as well: a mysterious but seemingly inconspicuous and unimposing elderly human male (picturing Jonathan pryce). This man seems to be immune to the force.

We learn in a culminating film that he is in fact EZRA BRIDGER. Ezra, in his time in the unknown regions (and if rumors are true we will get some of this in the upcoming rebels follow up) has learned many mysteries of the force. He has also, however, suffered great loss numerous times. Losing Sabine, Ashoka, and a Chiss female he fell in love with. After traveling through the World between worlds and attempting to change fate, he has found it to be impossible and has grown to blame the force for this inescapable destiny. (Begin pulling heavily from KOTOR 2 ideas here). He is searching for an ancient Zeffo temple that houses a place of power that could be used to destroy the force entirely. The grysk believe this will be their vengeance against the chiss and are helping Ezra. This fight to stop Ezra and his grysk will serve as the main conflict the series builds toward.

I know that’s a lot, but my imagination ran wild today. Let me know what y’all think.

/r/starwarsspeculation Thread