What’s your “thank god that’s over with and I never have to do it again” thing in your life?

Getting married. I’m very introverted and I hate attention, so I just wanted to go to the courthouse, short and sweet. Husband, though, is very close to his family so he wanted them there. We’d already been together 13 yrs, so getting married wasn’t a big deal and I didn’t want a big todo. I also didn’t want it in a church as I’m not religious. I also wasn’t going to wear a dress even though the moms wanted me to.

Well, for our moms, we had it in a church in front of 20 people (my side had just my mom and my cousin). As a compromise, I wanted my 2 dogs there and they were there. I insisted it be a short ceremony but the 10 minutes we were up there reciting traditional things that I just went along with was so painful. I hated being up there in front of people and I’m so glad it’s over! Not to mention, I hate having my picture taken and his family is big on picture taking. It was awful. Never again!

/r/AskReddit Thread