What’s your worst birthday memory?

So I have a non-biological dad, who is a complete piece of shit. Before I completely cut ties with him and his family three years ago I kept giving him so many chances.

The last Birthday I spent with him, we had planned to meet up at 12 to get lunch. I show up a bit early and am sitting in the parking lot. At 12:15 he's late so I text him and he replies that he was on his way going through [Town 25 minutes away], 30 minutes go buy and I text again, and he had to stop for gas but was on his way. 30 minutes after that he claimed that he was just leaving the house after he got his boots on.

By this point I'm insanely annoyed, hungry, and very hot since I've been sitting in my car in 95 degree weather for well over an hour and a half so I decide to go next door to a different restaurant, get something to eat and cool down for a bit.

By the time I finish eating it's 2:30, and he still hadn't shown up.

I decide to drop it, assumed he wasn't coming, and drove 40 minutes to Muskogee to go watch the first Thor movie.

After watching Thor, I exit the theater to find that I have 5 "I'm pulling up now" and "where are you?" texts and three missed calls. that arrived between 3:45 and 4:30. Trying to act like it's not 4 hours after we said we'd meet up.

Then to top everything off, when I was leaving the theater parking lot, my car was T-boned.

/r/AskReddit Thread