What is the saddest detail about your life that no one knows?

Well, this is depressing.

Lets add to it!

I've had a ridiculously privileged life. Went to one of the most expensive schools in the world, with fees being higher than the average income in all but a couple of countries.

I've lived in more countries than most people have visited, and I've the list of countries I've not visited is shorter than the list of ones I have.

In university I'm one of those arseholes who never does any work and yet whose sitting on an average around 80%.

So, my life should be perfect?

I went to boarding school at age ten. I barely know who my parents are except as the people who send me money; I've spent maybe 8 years of life under the same roof as my father, and 12 as my mother.

I didn't have any friends at this boarding school; I would attend Breakfast because we sat in houses then, so I wouldn't have to sit alone, but I often skipped lunch and dinner so that I wouldn't do so.

In year nine, I tried to hang myself with my belt in the bathroom, though failed (actually, that statement seems redundant...). Have to admit, though, that would have made for a sensational news story.

These days, I've got many friends but I'm terrified it is all a sham, set to fall apart at the slightest breeze.

I'm terrified that because I'm so lazy I'll make nothing of my life, despite having opportunities that few can rival. Occasionally, I consider jumping out a window because death would be so much easier than life.

To cap it all off, I have a few mental conditions, whose existence few people know off (I have worked very hard over the years to keep them secret) and whose fact of means that I can get stuff like extra time in exams. However, this means I take my exams in separate rooms.

My current GF has dyslexia, which means she also gets extra time, and it turns out one of her exams coincide with one of mine, and I doubt she will fail to notice my presence in that room, and I have no idea how I will explain it to her.

Finally, I am so paranoid about admitting this stuff that not only am I using a throwaway, connected through my normal VPN, I've even fired up Tor for extra security.

Anyway, apologies for the stream of consciousness, if I go over and edit it I'll probably just end up deleting it.

/r/AskReddit Thread