What do SAHMs *do* all day? (long)

8am - I wake up, make coffee, drink coffee.

9am - Kidlet wakes up, change diaper, fix breakfast, eat breakfast.

9:30am - breakfast is done, we go play, do whatever, listen to music and dance, do our own thing, I read like 30 books to her and diffuse 20 million tantrums until lunch.

11:30am - snack, change diaper.

1:30pm - lunchtime. While she eats, I pick up the mess in the office/her play area, and sometimes I'll do dishes if she's behaving in her chair.

1:45pm - lunch is over, so it's playtime til nap.

3pm - change diaper, naptime, and usually the time I get major chores done, but nowadays I do pretty much fuck-all because pregnant and tired, so it's leisure time for me unless I feel particularly motivated that day. I at least pick up the office/her play area again and do minor picking up 'round the house.

5pm - kidlet wakes up, change diaper, snack.

6pm - husband is home and so we go out and do things, or stay in and do things.

7:30pm - change diaper, dinner time.

8:30pm - get ready for bed (change diaper even if it's barely wet, change into pajamas, brush teeth) and then bedtime.

9pm-12am - chores and leisure time.

12:30am - my bedtime.

what's not included: all the milk spills I have to clean up repeatedly (ranging from very small to very large), keeping her from getting into the trash, keeping her from getting into things she shouldn't be getting into (non-dangerous, but have the potential to be ruined), the every-other day bathtime routine, going to the park sometimes, the whining and screaming and crying once every 10min at least because something isn't defying the laws of physics or she can't get up on my lap for the 50th time in an hr or really any other reason she wants to scream and cry for.

The whole of it isn't terribly physically exhausting, even when I did a ton of chores before pregnant and horribly fatigued, but by the end of the day I just want to crawl into a hole with netflix and an orange soda and not come out until the next day.

/r/breakingmom Thread