What was the scariest/creepiest thing that has ever happened to you?

So this isn't really creepy, and everything was dreams so I'm not really sure if it "happened to me" in a sense. You should also know that I grew up in a very healthy household, parents were amazing, family were amazing, and I wasn't bullied or anything.

I was terrified of ghosts, wouldn't sleep until both my parents had came upstairs incase there was "something" that would get me as soon as I close my eyes. I would have these dreams, almost every night, and all of them happened multiple times.

I was down the street from my house, (Scotland, we don't use block systems) and a fucking pirate was chasing me, I always managed to climb over the fence in my driveway and get away (fence didn't exist irl)

My dad was an astronaut, he would go to space by flushing himself down the toilet... Then he would suffocate and die... yeah no idea.

My dad would run up the stairs and tickle me to death... As I said I was never abused so this was odd xD

A massive fucking duster would come into my room, grab me then I would wake up.

Tried googling some of them to see what they meant, never found anything, I did once see a ghost though (I think), woke up from one of these nightmares and there was a person shaped shadow above my desk.

/r/AskReddit Thread