What is the scariest encounter with another human you have ever experienced?

When I was 17 me and my two neighbors were playing basketball in the alley behind my house. A van with 8 guys pulled up and started the process of trying to figure out our gang associations, basically asking "Whatcha be about?" and such. It was in Chicago during the 90's so even though we weren't in a gang we knew these guys weren't going to believe us and our eventual ass whoopin was about to begin.

Just as my heart was about to bust out of my throat one of the guys in the van recognised one if my neighbors, they were schoolmates. Mutual greetings occurred and the situation was diffused. His friend also confirmed that the ass whoopin was indeed about to commence. We all laughed, ha ha, and they drove off. It took a few minutes for my asshole to unpucker.

/r/AskReddit Thread