What is the scariest nightmare you ever had?

Not sure if this counts?

I spent all day watching a paranormal show and then went to bed in our new bedroom looking directly into a completely empty black closet. Naturally, I had a sleep paralysis nightmare where my wife was shouting "MURDER!" while a demon tried to get into my body.

Undeterred, I put the show back on the next day and the next episode was about a woman who was possessed to shout "MURDER!" Full body chills. We needed to smudge the house.

We started in the closet and went through very thoroughly, making a big X with the smoke over every door and window. Afterwards I figured I'd feel even better with my clothes in the closet, making it feel lived in. When I went back to the closet, there was a box in the corner where we started smudging.

Inside we found a hammock and a stuffed animal that looked like it was from the 30's. We checked with them previous occupant and they had never seen it. They left nothing when they moved out ...and we couldn't have missed it

/r/AskReddit Thread