What screams "I peaked in high school" ?

That's rookie shit. I used to bully this girl in high school all the time. She hated me, and I loved it. I used to savor the feeling, the rush, of making a helpless girl cry. Fast forward 4 years and we see eachother at the local bar, and my mind starts concocting the perfect plan. I went up to her, apologized, and bought her a drink. I could see that she thought I'd changed, and I could tell she wanted to get to know me more so I asked her for her number. The rush I got when she excitedly put her number in my phone brought back a flood of memories. I couldn't believe that my plan was working. So I called her the next night and asked her on a date. Fast forward 9 years and we're "happily married" and have 2 kids. I'm going to give it 5 more years playing this game, acting like the sweetest husband in the world and making her fall in love with me again every single day. After 5 years, just as my children are old enough to comprehend th situation, I'm going to disappear into the night, never to be be heard from again. The complete devestation she will feel makes me water at the mouth just thinking about it. I'm hard as I write this. I also just made all this up.

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