What screams "I PEAKED IN HIGH SCHOOL!"?

I honestly want to go to mine....... I was the outcast kid. The one that teachers always said would be a failure and that I should get used to saying "would you like fries with that?", Its only been 2 years since I graduated highschool and i am one of the most successful people to come out of that generation. i see the honor roll kids still flipping burgers at fast food restaurants and i have the people that shunned me in hs washing my car and polishing my tires. i have everything these people have wanted and it only gets better. it may sound like im now an arrogant asshole for being more successful than these people but to me it feels nice knowing that even though i was shunned and told i was a failure, that i can work past that and rise above them.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent