What should I do.

I’m going to 4th this time I will be dosing one bottle of Rcough immediately after the other rather than an hour after first dose. I will also make better effort not to vomit at all. Last night I hit a high 3rd plat but quickly became overwhelmed with feelings of productivity and intuition. I found myself feeling I had wasted a trip listening to new music and trying to recreate closed eye hallucinations I had seen on a previous trip. I wish to take something from this experience. I’ve already seen the best Sci-fi blockbusters from Kubricks 2001 to Tarantino’s Reservoir dogs on high dose trips and can say that each movie I had seen has added to me as a person, if not only greatly rocking my outlook or perspective on things. Alas there are only so many great movies out there and I find YouTube to be an oddly empty cavern to get lost in if you don’t have the right keywords in mind.
Often times in situations like these I go outside. I’m sure many of us know how dangerous high doses of a gram or over of DXM can be in general, but I am unbothered by peoples opinions of how I should act when I enter the dexverse. Lions and sheep or whatever they say. So as my last post states NO LIMITS I suppose if there are no more movies to watch, I must make my own.

/r/dxm Thread