What should we do about guns in the US?

in the Girdoni rifle

Jesus christ, I've been going back and forth with some guy about that one. It was slower than a bolt action rifle. It's not a valid comparison to the killing power that any untrained 12 year old can wield today.

the First Amendment does not change because of mass-media and the internet.

But they do, constantly. The legislature passes laws, and the supreme court interprets them. A lot of the time, there isn't even debate. How is the Second Amendment sacrosanct when the First can be whittled away without debate?

will take

[citation needed] You talk a lot about what can and can't happen, and what will and won't be necessary, acting as though you carry the authority of omniscience.


I'm getting so bored with this. Every single troll on reddit now keeps the stupid logical fallacy infographic bookmarked, and just picks one to throw out randomly in arguments. Or the lazy ones just say "strawman" repeatedly in any argument. The analogy is clear: you would be against a tool that is made for a single, nefarious purpose. A firearm has a single purpose: to kill. If you think that an inanimate object is inert, and only the wielder's intentions can be questioned, then the logical conclusion is that private citizens should be able to possess nuclear weapons. After all, they can't be inherently evil, right?

The slippery slope occurs when we attempt to confiscate ...

What followed had nothing to do with a "slippery slope."

Son, how old are you? [...] I've treated patients ...

Well, "son," if you are trying to imply that you're a doctor, you aren't the only one in this conversation.

Now, it's been over 24 years since I was a Lincoln-Douglas Debater at my high school

Yep, it's been a decade or two since I went to nationals in LD myself. But please, continue to condescend to a stranger. If you do happen to end up in an LD round again, may I suggest that you not use "my personal experience" as a contention?

It's clear that you lack evidence to show that the benefits outweigh the harms as well

Says someone who has presented no evidence of his own.

So I will continue to ...

Obviously. No internet argument ever changed anything.

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