What should each Race get for a new class option?

I think they should remove all race/class restrictions, with the following exceptions.

  • Demon hunters should be opened up only to orcs and draenei in addition to night elves and blood elves. They were part of Illidan's army in Outland, right?

  • Orcs and draenei can't be druids. Being native to Azeroth is important. Everyone else can be. If assets for druid forms are an issue, forsaken, dwarves, and humans could use the same forms as worgen and all elves could use the same forms as night elves without bending the lore too much. Pandaren get existing forms reskinned in black and white. Gnome forms would be either completely zany and silly - Transformers, basically - or creepy and Gigeresque. Anyone play Magic: the Gathering? Picture New Phyrexian druids. Not sure off the top of my head about goblins or vulpera but I'm sure we can think of something.

  • Still no tauren or draenei rogues, because fuck hooves.

/r/wow Thread