What should be the name given to the new legend sabo ?

So? We had a Gear 4 Luffy legend and another Gear 4 Luffy legend which were also not at all distinctive from each other. They were both G4 Luffys. Guess what everyone called them? G4 and v2 G4. Not v3 Luffy and v5 Luffy.

Also, all those Luffys, believe it or not, use the Gomu Gomu no Mi!! Yes, they're from different arcs but why is that important? Has anyone ever called a legend based on the arc that they're from? Afaik we always call them by their trait or just by the character name.

In this case everyone calls the second Sabo legend "Lucy" because that's just the easiest way to describe him cause he's... you know... pretending to be Lucy. EVEN the game calls him Lucy and not Sabo. Hence why everyone calls him Lucy and not v2 Sabo.

The new Sabo on the other hand is just Sabo being Sabo. Just like with the first Sabo. There's no reason not to call him Sabo hence why it makes sense to call him v2 Sabo.

But anyway, to each their own. I just see no point in having a v1 Sabo, Lucy and v3 Sabo.

/r/OnePieceTC Thread Parent