What should someone do if they are falsely accused of rape?

I don't generally comment, but felt the need to create an account to do so. This post does not need to be on the /r/bestof level.

I don’t believe this story, as there are way too many inconsistencies with how things are done versus his retelling of the story.

“IfeellikeAndy” (Shortened to Andy) states that he was called into his principal’s office and immediately handcuffed. This creates a situation where Andy is now under custodial arrest and any questioning has to be preceded by reading him his Miranda Rights. He doesn’t mention this, so maybe it happened, maybe it didn’t.

Then I’m having a hard time coming to grips with the Principal “E” conducting the interview of Andy instead of the Officers. Why? Andy is already placed in custodial arrest, doesn’t matter who asks him questions, anything Andy says is moot and can’t be used against him. Plus, we have a civilian conducting an interrogation of an individual for a felony crime. This is a serious accusation, and it blows my mind that a civilian is conducting the interrogation of an individual.

This is also the part where the school would call the parents. There is no scenario in my mind where a school, in which a student who has been accused of raping another student would not call the parents of said student. NONE. I got in trouble for skipping school and the first thing my school did was call my parents to let them know.

After the custodial interview by a civilian in front of two police officers, Andy is uncuffed and let into the hall. We’ll skip ahead a few sentences.

The other issue I have with this, is that Andy is still allowed to be in school. That wouldn’t happen. I keep going back to the accusation, but he is being accused of Felony Rape. The first thing the school would do is to suspend him or transfer him to another school. Again, there is no way a school would let the victim and the suspect be anywhere close to each other. It creates such a momentum level of liability for the school, that there is no insurance policy on earth large enough to cover that lawsuit.

So we’re to the part where the cops are once again questioning Andy, again without mentioning Miranda rights or anything important like that. Not only are they questioning him, but are doing so in front of the victim’s mom. …what?... I’m dumbfounded by this. These two officers are evidently the most incompetent officers that have every existed. First they let a civilian interrogate a detained suspect, and then they let the victim’s mom sit in on an interview. Where are the detectives? Why are all the interviews happening at the school? And why hasn’t Andy’s parents been notified yet?

So now, Andy is back at school and S attempted to tbone him. So now we have attempted vehicular assault. Which is a felony. We have “E” once again act the role of police officer and interrogate both S and Andy. Seriously. This is written like a bad detective’s movie. A principal will not investigate crimes like this. He’s not authorized too. He’s a civilian for fuck’s sake. What happens if he determines a crime was committed? A civilian arrest? Once again, no parents are called for Andy. Keep in mind, that Andy’s exgirlfriend attempted to run him down, and the school Did.Not.Notify.Anyone. What does it take for this school to notify his parents? An actual murder?

So the cops are called, and yet again, Andy is placed into custodial interrogation by the simple act of being handcuffed to an Officer.

As an aside, that entire segment makes me thing Andy has never been in handcuffs. There isn’t much reach, they aren’t comfortable, and being handcuffed to someone is a horrible horrible idea. Also, it’s a huge safety issue being handcuffed to someone. But we’re dealing with the keystone cops here, so evidently it doesn’t matter that much.

So we’re up to the part where a witness to an attempted vehicular assault, unprompted, tells his side of the story in front of “E” and the younger police officer. The younger police officer, makes no attempt to get a statement, or even get the kid’s name to talk to him later about it. But the principal yet again, conducts an interview of a witness to a serious crime.

Andy and “S” are still in school together and evidently see each other on a regular basis. We’re talking about a possible victim of a crime and the suspect, in a closed environment. Where the suspect could harm, hurt, influence, or do any sort of bad things to the victim in order for the victim to recant their statement. Does anyone else not see an issue with this? The school is wide open to a massive liability lawsuit for sheer negligence.

So now “E” has notes the cop took about a sexual crime and shows the suspect? Seriously…and why does “E’ have those notes anyways? Why on earth would a police officer, investigating a serious crime, give those notes to “E”? Hint: There isn’t a reason. None. As for “E” showing Andy those notes…wtf…

As for not giving specifics to Andy, “E” certainly got enough specifics to tell all of reddit about it.

We’re at the end of Andy’s story. The police officers apologize. For what? For being incredibly incompetent? For not even bothering to do their job correctly?

So Andy tells “E” that he wants to lawyer up. “E”, somehow a lawyer, police officer, and principal all rolled into one, basically threatens Andy with retaliation for getting a lawyer.

Andy also throws out in his Tl;dr that the younger cop was doing his own investigation on the side? What does that mean? Did the younger cop go rogue on the force? There is no mention of the younger cop doing anything important in the story. And the younger cop was doing his own investigation on the side, he was basically doing the investigation he was supposed to from the beginning.

Also, where are the detectives? In general terms, a patrol officer responds to crimes, takes a report and moves on. They don’t investigate felony stuff like this. Detectives do.

I’ll sum it up quickly, this story doesn’t make any sense, has a ton of plot holes, and if it truly happened, Andy needs to hire a lawyer to sue the school, police, and “S” for more money then they have.

Tl:dr – This didn’t happen.

/r/morbidquestions Thread