What Should Student Government Push for?

It's not a "move," I just believe the only thing that matters in politics is hard power or the ability to convert soft power to control over those who do wield hard power and everything else is set dressing to motivate the otherwise uninvolved. The Declaration of Independence was and remains propaganda for internal consumption.

The colonials wanted power, the British royalists didn't want to risk losing even more of their waning power, lines were drawn, and the Brits couldn't square up and lost.

It's fairly normal to continue to expand an argument when someone found your initial point in the argument unconvincing, I don't know why you think that's some sort of "gotcha" or a red herring, they're different facets of legitimate concern you just don't seem to care about.

You keep saying that, as if repetition somehow makes it true. There are some problems that cannot be solved at an individual level, fullstop. Gun violence is, in significant part, one of those problems. You clearly don't agree, and there's clearly nothing I can say that would change that opinion.

Ah yes, dang near everywhere except college campuses... and banks, hospitals, all governmental buildings including administrative buildings and courts, any building in a National Park, airports, the post office, at a protest, bars, or anywhere else when the owner tells you not to, of which there are tons of places.

/r/NCSU Thread Parent