What show completely shattered your suspension of disbelief?

Hunger is not simply a hormone. The cause for the feeling of hunger is a hormone, but the brain experiences it as nerve signals, just as the cause for the feeling of being cold is the temperature, but the brain experiences it as nerve signals. This is what I've explained many many times over these past few comments, and what you've repeatedly misinterpreted. Add one to that count.

Again, I'm not saying that it isn't simple in that world, I'm comparing two thing, one if which is more complex, and the other which is more simple. This comparison exists regardless of how simple we find the complex thing to be - it will always be more complex than the other option. My less taxing method remains less taxing. This is something that I already explained in simple words in my last comment. Nice reading.

Yes, my method assumes that the NervGear is less advanced than you do. Why wouldn't I? Why are you assuming that the NervGear is doing something so much more advanced, and then assuming that the NervGear is a magically advanced piece of technology. SAO doesn't have to process the user's entire brain, and it doesn't have to categorize every action a user does in order to output emotional responses in order to simulate a fully immersive environment. It remains an emotional response whether or not SAO recognizes which emotions it corresponds to, and the avatar will move the same way regardless. If a player uses their avatar to punch another player's avatar in anger, the system doesn't need to know they were angry in order to process the punch. Spicy food remains spicy whether you know it is or not, as you are so fond of saying.

Yes, we're assuming there's only one of her. If another Yui was revealed the next episode of SAO, it would be a surprise, but if it was revealed next episode that Yui was the only one, who would be surprised at that?

If love wasn't there, she wouldn't have broken down. I don't know why you don't get that. If a dog saw a bone and a stack of ribs and choked itself trying to grab a stack of ribs, that stack of ribs was the cause.

That's incorrect. She was breaking down long before she saw them in love. And this isn't a case of a dog that is normally chained up but someone put a stack of ribs in front of it. It's Yui's job to help the players, she's like a dog that eats food normally (like dogs do) and is one day put on a chain and not fed again. Yes, she breaks her chain and passes out trying to get food, but it isn't because of the food. It's because she was hungry (directive to help the players) and chained up (directive to not interact with the players).

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