What show completely shattered your suspension of disbelief?

Yes, the brain experiences emotions as nerve signals. But, as I said already:

An emotion doesn't exist in the same way that the sensation of being hot or cold exists. An emotion is a complex combination of different feelings and is more commonly a product of thought than a product of stimulus. It isn't a simple matter of intercepting nerve signals from the love or hate organ on their way to the brain.

Furthermore (and I've also said this already, I just can't be bothered to look for more quotes) an emotion exists within the brain, it doesn't leave the brain. Yes, it causes emotional responses, which can be in the form of nerve signals which do leave the brain, but that isn't the emotion itself.

It's not only less taxing from a processing standpoint, it is less taxing from a technological standpoint as well. Your option is years of advancements ahead of mine. Also, Yui isn't required to find her own inputs any more than self-driving cars are required to find theirs. It's simply processing what's in front of it and making decisions based on that.

Why? If I tell you there's a program numbered 01, you're going to be surprised to see a program numbered 02? You never cease to amuse me.

No, but if you tell me that there's a beta program numbered 01, which was supposed to be live with the launch of a larger program, but was canceled due to an executive decision by the developer, I would totally be surprised to find out that there was a number 2. I'm not sure if you remember, but I've already brought up the fact she is a unique prototype that was canceled at launch. In any case, why compare Yui to a metaphor when you can judge how you'd feel about the actual situation. Would you really be more surprised to find out that Yui was unique than you would be to find out that she wasn't?

So now she was broken all along? But I thought that's what I said? Then why did she magically disobey her directive at the sight of love if she was broken all along? You don't seem to understand that she never would have ended up wandering in the fields if she never saw love. You're the one that suggested she broke down in the fields and this allowed her interaction with players. I said she was broken, but was still mandated by her directive to not interact with players. She then attempted to disobey this directive when she saw love. This in itself is love overpowering code.

Can you read? Breaking down =/= broken. Errors were accumulating within her, she wasn't a truly intelligent but amnesiac child. I'm not saying that breaking down in the fields allowed her to interact with players, I'm saying that breaking down allowed her to interact with players, and the fact that she was in the fields at the time allowed her to interact with Kirito and Asuna before any others. I covered this when you wouldn't stop asking about the fisherman. I still disagree with your interpretation and stand by mine.

I'm simply likening her directive to help players with the natural directive of hunger. I totally agree that her inability to perform her task was the cause of her errors. That would be the chain that chokes the dog in my example. As I recall, you blame the food. As I said, although love caused her to wander the fields, wandering the fields wasn't the reason she broke down. She was always supposed to interact with players from the start.

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