What side quests do you give people to become your 'level 10' friend?

Honestly, for girls - if she has sex with me or gives me a blowjob I'll be nice to her for the rest of my life. Doesn't matter if she later gets a boyfriend or gets married (many have by now; I'm in my late 20s). I feel a special closeness to someone after that happens. For me it's about knowing someone on the most personal level possible, and usually it opens me right up. If/when I get to a position in life where I can help these people with anything, I definitely intend to. I've been told that I exude confidence but more than a few of these girls were there when I was holding onto my last straw - they prob have no idea.

For guys - it's the people who stuck by me, or have even befriended me, when I was down in life. There have been a couple of times in my life where I have lost everything, one of which happened in a nasty accident and was sent into a coma. After I woke up, I had lost all of my coolness, all my memories, and I was basically just much, much lesser version of myself. I became an embarrassment to be around for a few years. Most of my friends abandoned me, but there were just a couple who never budged in the opposite direction. I will never forget those people.

/r/AskReddit Thread