This is what the sink in the service shop bathroom that I have to clean on a daily basis looks like. I cleaned it 2 days ago, and this is what it looked like yesterday halfway through the day. Tired of feeling like My job is redundant, because people suck.

I agree 100% but you can’t change people. We do our best and that’s all we can do. Don’t be a custodian if you don’t wanna clean some shit up. I’ve never been disrespected doing what I do. Maybe it’s time for a career change if you’re this angry. Trust me I’ve been doing that shit for years and you’ll see me with nothing but a positive attitude and a smile on my face, I make a good wage and amazing benefits and overtime. Why would I be mad. Obviously speaking out isn’t working for you or you wouldn’t be posting this. I’m not trying to take shots at you or anything man I understand the struggle but whether it’s University grads or whoever, most people just don’t think about it and aren’t gonna change. I wish you the best man, I’m sure typing this was more effort than cleaning up the mess looks pretty easy to quickly clean up and forget

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