What do the SJWs have to say about the lady getting pelted with food?

I think you guys aren't handling this quite right. Anybody in their right mind is pretty disgusted by what went down at the rally. There's no crazy "SJW" paradox about them being caught between defending women and hating Trump, I really hope even people who despise Trump are mature enough to put that aside and realize how disgusting the acts of violence from the protestors were. This is the same thing as the DNC Nevada convention "death threats," if somebody issued a death threat, they should be punished, arrested, fined, whatever. It's of course the exact same thing here, the protestors who assaulted the Trump supporters SHOULD be arrested because that's how these things are supposed to work. I do not think anyone is cheering that people who went to a political rally were violently assaulted, not even the aggressors, I imagine once they got home they realized they really fucked up. The fact of the matter is that everyone who went to the rally was within their basic first amendment right, as were the protestors, right up until some of them violated it with their attacks. The real problem here, I think, is that if the police had been allowed to intervene, there would have been no violence. Frankly, it looks like the mayor pussied out in hopes to avoid another media-warped "violent police at it again" fiasco.

Say whatever you want about the aggressive protestors, but I think this is a bipartisan issue. Every democrat, republican, conservative, liberal, independent, whatever, should be 100% on the side of non-violence against those who are expressing their first amendment right.

You guys are like a slightly more politically-oriented /r/tumblrinaction. It's very hard to take you seriously given how much time is wasted discussing how "PC culture is ruining America." When in reality, the main issue from the rally is about a terrible, unnecessary, unprovoked act of violence against people who just wanted to express themselves.

--Love, a Bernie supporter

/r/The_Donald Thread