What is slowly gaining popularity that most people don't know about yet?

seeing a vocal minority

mistaking the fringe for the party

Yet another reason I hate politics. Both parties are guilty of this. If the fringes truly don't represent the parties, and they are so vocal as you say, then the responsible, respected people within the parties should stop coddling these crazy idiots and call them out, if for nothing else, for their tactics.

It's so infuriating watching what would be my natural political in-group be hijacked by insane radicals who think bathroom politics and a few miles of pipeline are hills worth dying on. And don't even get me started on BLM - you couldn't design a more damaging false-flag campaign if you tried. "We want your support, so we decided to close down the freeway so you can't get home to see your kids after work." "We need to spread our message by laying on the ground, preventing people from xmas shopping in the mall." So stupid. Then, republicans basically say fuck all when thinly-veiled white nationalism begins to take root. Bunch of assholes. I wish someone actually would drain the swamp for real.

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