What small thing makes you automatically distrust someone?

I definitely do this, sorry! I hate when I do it but I afraid of saying the ‘wrong’ thing the other person might want to hear (like if they say how was your weekend instead of saying I stayed home and did some chores I’ll lie and say I went roller skating or something fun so they won’t think I’m boring and perhaps the lie might encourage them to do something positive and they’ll continue to talk to me instead of ignore me or be negative to me)

Sometimes a lie will just slip out because even when I told the truth as a kid I would still get beat anyway, so lying would literally save my ass. The moment it truly hit me no matter what I did or said was truthful was one day when I was 6 or 7 was sitting in the closet just playing with my headless Sailor Venus toy I took from the neighbors trash and my mom came storming in and began to beat us and I started crying saying “I wasn’t doing anything!” And I’ll never forget her words “Exactly, you weren’t doing anything!”

So no matter if I was doing something or not, it was still punishable to her. Cool, got it, thanks mom.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent