What is Socialism?

I understand that entirely, there are companies in the US that do this, you're entirely allowed to do this without the government forcing you to do it. None of these companies, at least to my knowledge and I'd be happy to have you correct me, have ever completed or invented anything noteworthy in any sense. The ones I've seen are a bread bakery, an auto shop (which failed almost immediately) and a shoe store. It's an ugly truth that most innovation and invention comes from dudes who just wanna make a shit load of money. It all pretty much boils down to the pizza problem. A pizza is fairly simple to you and me right? simplest food you can get. It would take you several lifetimes to figure out how to grow wheat, mill it into flour, figure out what yeast is, leaven the dough, cultivate and selectively breed tomatoes, render them into a sauce, cheese is a whole different story. The only reason all of these industries interact with eachother is in an attempt to collectively make a shitload of money for the people at the top of their hierarchies. The company I work at would be a lot better if we called the cheese guys, the sauce guys, and the bread guys all came together and made a super cool product, but I'm not gonna do that because I'm not the CEO and I'm not trying to make the company better, I just work here. Cue centuries of people eating tomatoes bread and cheese seperately, or I guess combining it themselves. Good luck finding a recipe though because all of the places you find recipes rely on ad revenue from websites that the author pays their web designer way less than they make to produce a good looking website to put their pizza recipe on. Maybe get a cookbook but now the dude who runs the papercutting mill makes as much as the author so there's no incentive to write cookbooks anymore. I think we're good where we are.

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