What has someone said that's stuck with you your whole life?

When I was 10, I had a huge crush on the girl sitting in front of me at school. I didn't have many friends, barely talked to girls, and was not at all self-confident, so I was content to just give up any hope of ever talking to her properly and having any kind of meaningful relationship.

One day, during art class, I was sitting at a table with a bunch of other kids, not including the girl I was crushing on, and i was working while they talked. They were discussing who had crushes on who. Eventually, one of them, Beau, asked me if I had a crush on someone.

I don't know why I told this guy. I wasn't his friend, I knew he had a history of being a prick. I asked him to keep it quiet. Right after I told him, the girl in question was walking behind me, getting some supplies. He turns around and tells her, right in front of me, that I had a crush on her. Everyone starts laughing. She's looking at me with mild confusion, I'm just absolutely embarrassed and looking everywhere except her face. She says nothing and goes back to her desk.

Later on, we all go back to our normal classroom. I sit down, and she arrives afterwards with her best friend. They sit down in front of me, I'm trying to appear nonchalant.

She turns around and says 'Metarch, I hate your guts.' We never spoke again.

I learned that day never to show anyone any vulnerability, because they'll take it and stab you in the heart with it. I was extremely introverted throughout my adolescence, before I realised that I had give more than nothing to the people in closest to. These days I'm quiet and reserved, but I still don't show vulnerability to casual acquaintances. Only close friends and family see the real me. It's easy to put on a mask when you think everyone will hate the person underneath.

/r/AskReddit Thread