What is something about you that you are completely fine with, but worries other people in your life?

This is a weird one, but .... I lost both my lower legs in an accident a few years ago and use prosthetics to get everywhere. I'm fine with it and live a pretty normal life beyond having to take body parts off every night before bed. However, people I don't know well seem to think that I live in a constant state of trauma and emotional pain and that I really resent being disabled.

The truth is, I don't remember a thing from the accident (I'm very lucky in that respect!!!) so don't have any PSTD. Being disabled is a pain in the ass sometimes, but with therapy and really good mental health meds I do just fine. My good friends understand that and don't treat me any differently but I can't tell you how many people see my fake legs and immediately go "omg that must be sooo hard! You are so brave and strong! I can't believe how much you must struggle!" Not really tbh...

/r/AskReddit Thread