What is something common that has never happened to you?

It's a long story but it's not just that she left me. It's that she never wanted me as a person to begin with. This person who was only ever using me, and it took me months to parse that afterwards, was the only interest from women that I've ever had. She left me years ago and I've had nothing since then and I had nothing before, either. Everything else has either been rejection, "ghosting", or just pretending like it never happened.

That's was a particularly flattering angle, I think. It hides the roundness of my face and the fact that I have about half an inch of chin before my neck starts and always have no matter how thin I get. And it doesn't help right now that over the past couple of years my [medically diagnosed] depression has been bad and I put weight back on. 5'8" @ 180lbs. I'm trying to lose it again right now but it's difficult, all things considered.

In any case, though, from high school through today in my early 30s the only feedback I've ever had about my appearance has been negative, especially from women.

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