What is something many people would consider a flaw about you, but you love and wouldn't change?

The primary reason was improving my relationship with my wife, who is a psychologist and was the first one to identify it in me. It had become a bit of a joke that I was very arrogant & a bit of a narcissist... I chocked this up to me being completely confident in my intelligence and abilities and her having serious self esteem issues (all of which is true). One day we were hanging out & having a glass of wine, and she pulled out her DSM-V. We were looking up random, weird disorders just for fun and eventually she went down a checklist for narcissistic personality disorder and I basically got flagged on every one. It really hit me that OK, this isn't her just having low self-esteem and not understanding why I'm so confident all the time, but that I may have some sort of dysfunction that's inhibiting my ability to see clearly and function normally in society.

I take mental health & the process of self-improvement/actualization very seriously. Through a lot of mindful reflection on my past actions and observation of my current actions I was able to see how various deluded perceptions were in fact holding me back from seeing certain things in life, as they are, with clarity... and most of all, how my behaviors were poisoning my relationship with my life.

I don't lack empathy, but my wife is the only person I really love and am attached to... she eventually let out that she felt she couldn't talk to me or give me advice, she had a lot of issues with me, and with our marriage, that she felt would never be resolved. She had just accepted me for who I was and learned to deal with it. That wasn't acceptable to me. So I put the effort into trying to make some changes.

It's not perfect, but at least now I have that mindful awareness and I can see how certain disordered perceptions infiltrate my thinking and manifest themselves in my interactions. Our relationship has improved 1000 fold.

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