What is something most think is real but is really fake?

I'm facebook friends with a girl I was really good friends with in highschool, but we've taken our own paths and don't see each other very often, therefore my entire view of her life is from her posts. On Facebook, she and her insanely handsome husband are the most amazing family. Her adorable kids are always holding hands and skipping down the sidewalk in their adorable family pictures, beach vacations with widely smiling faces, the whole 9 yards. It was to the point of being obnoxious- we get it- your life is perfect!
AND THEN I ran into her half drunk at a nearby lake one weekend with a strange guy. I asked how she was doing and she blurted, "My husband is gay and hasn't touched me in months, and when i press the issue, he picks a fight with me to get out of it. He's from a religious family so he can't come out pf the closet, so he wants to have an open marriage to let me see whoever I want but keep up the illusion of our relationship. It's all a lie and I just needed to get away so I'm here with my neighbor and I might fuck him!"

I was floored. Also, all i could think is that this was way more interesting than the life she was portraying on Facebook, (which I totally don't think she should put all out there for the world to see, but what a complete 180 from the life she represented her life to be)!"

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