What is something stupid that you have done that, to this day, still makes you cringe?

I was am enormous loser in grade school and got picked on mercilessly. In sixth grade, I really liked this girl Katie Angelucci who's locker was near mine but I was too afraid to summon the courage to talk to her.

I sacked up as much as I could one day and wrote a note that said, "Will you go out with me? Yes No - Circle your answer and out it in locker 622"

I took all my books for my remaining classes and carried them all day so I wouldn't have to go back to my locker until the end of the day. When I got back and checked, I found the note.


My soul was crushed and I purposely missed the bus because she rode the same one as me. I walked home because my dad wouldn't come pick me up because I'd missed the bus consistently to avoid getting beaten up because the school didn't help me and my dad just told me to fight back even though there were five of them and one of me. He told me it was time to learn a lesson and I got punished again when I got home.

That was kind of a turning point for me because I realized that day that I really didn't have any friends at school and the ones in my neighborhood just used me because I was willing to do all the dumb shit. My family didn't much care for me either and I attribute that moment with my turn down the path to depression, drug use, cigarette smoking, and various criminal behavior that I didn't pull out of until about ten years later.

Man, that story took a dark turn out of light-hearted cringe into old, buried feels town by accident.

Anyway, I'm happily married now, I fight competitively, my dad died, my sister is in jail, and I don't know what happened to Katie.

/r/AskReddit Thread