What is something you won't tell your friends or family, but you will tell Reddit?

Man I'm in a similar situation. All my friends know this one kid in our group is gay, or at least bi sexual. Whenever we would trip lsd or roll with him (he was a very experienced drug user) it was very apparent. Always saying stuff like, "you know I can't say this when I'm sober but you have the most gorgeous eyes I can just get lost in them" or he is very VERY affectionate and touchy.

He has girlish mannerisms like how he sits and walks. He told me one day when he was blackout on Xanax and alcohol but I didn't want this out to be that.

He would constantly be getting girls and then dumping them really quickly and for silly reasons. Whemever we go out to bars he is always being really flirty with other dudes who are obviously gay. Comes back to tell us he was just shooting the shit. But body language tells all. Whenever we pass by literally ANY girl he says weird things like "oh she could be hot" or "Id fuck that" when none of us are really like that anyway. He dresses really flamboyant also.

His little brother just came out of the closet (I'm not saying it's based off of genetics) and got so much love and support from his family/friends, my friend would get the same back.

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