What Is Something You Would Like a Type to Know?

estj : you're not my boss and even if you are I should quit now. esfj : to hell with the neighbours. I don't want to attend your party. istj : next time you nitpick my chaotic handwriting I'll show you the essence of chaos. isfj : do you even have your own thoughts? estp : sleep more for fuck's sack. esfp : no I won't dance. I said no... istp : you are a good friend indeed but don't endanger yourself. isfp : beautiful art but I don't understand it at all. entj : I shall serve but I want special privileges. entp : stick to the task at hand god dam it. intj : backstabing friends forever. oh let's fuck with the enfp... intp : you're my best friend but please stay in touch. enfj : I see what you are doing. I see the cruelty behind. enfp : time for daily torture the other intj is on the way too... infj : let's talk philosophy until we die. infp : don't be winny child.

/r/mbti Thread