What sounds painful but actually isn't?

Having a c-section. Most moms (that I know) swear they would rather just push the baby out and be on their way but I'm pretty sure lying on your back, numb from the armpits down is easier. At least it's over in half the time it would take to push a baby out and with much less pain. I have a condition with my uterus that makes me unable to have a child naturally so c-section is my only option. I had one section 11 years ago and I'm due this January and will need another and I am very thankful I get the c-section. I have heard horror stories about some of the emergency ones going wrong or differently. But for myself I was up and walking the first day and was out of the hospital two days later. Although I've been in labor for days and it was painfully (they didn't know I couldn't have kids til they made me try and it didn't pan out) I'm so thankful I didn't have to push a watermelon out my vagina. Mad props to all the moms in that club, nothing but respect! Especially when you do it multiple times

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