What stopped you from pursuing your crush?

A multitude of things:

  • Too lazy to go into the strange context, but there is a ≥95% chance it would cause drama.

  • They're way, way, way up out of my league.

  • I would feel like a total creep.

  • Things are fine as they are; there is much more to lose than gain regardless of what would result. Not worth the gamble.

  • I don't want to become enshrined in the garbage portion of their memories forever.

Funny thing, realizing that I can be attracted to people without desiring anything out of it, save for remaining on generally trending-towards-positive terms, is one of the ways I know I've matured. Coming to terms with the fact that there will always be what-ifs no matter what path we go down in life, and no need to investigate or pick apart every one of them - in fact, a good number are probably better left as a mystery. I'd better stop before this becomes too existential.

...Catching unnecessary feelings is still annoying and distracting though. liek srsly, fuk u brain, y u do dis!? -_-;;

/r/AskReddit Thread