What streaming on Twitch fulltime does to your life.

On the note of opportunities:

Every really good opportunity I've ever gotten in my post school life has come from random events not related to what the opportunity actually pertained to.

They all, that I can recognize, have come from social events.

Sitting at the bar talking to a guy about work. Buy him a few drinks, we get along great. Turns out he owns a multimillion dollar business, gives me his businesscard..

Go to a party, dude says he fucking loves my shirt, we chat and I offer to smoke a blunt with him. Again, dude is a millionaire, owns a business, gives me his businesscard. A month later we are sitting at a private bar doing dabs and drinking free booze, talking business.

Drinking at bar, talk to guy, turns out he needs a website built. I can't build sites for shit, but dude needs it quick and he's down to pay for basic work. Cool.

Drinking at bar, drunkenly make friends with a Japanese man, help him practice English, he's a big shot in corporate AT THE FUCKING COMPANY I ALREADY WORK AT, eventually changes my position to be the dude who walks around the floor with them helping them communicate with workers (they had no proper translator). Fat wage and benefit increase, before that I cut worked an assembly line.

Sitting at bar, meet Mexican man, he is not good at English, I help him with English, he turns out to be a Spanish professor, tutors me for free

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