What a stunt pilot is going through during a show

Absolutely not. These are negative G's. 9-12 positive G's is possible, but the max negative G's you're ever going to see a pilot pull is around 3-4. Anything more than -1g is extremely uncomfortable and there's no technique to combat it and stay conscious like there is for positive G. There's additionally way more health risks because you're massively increasing the blood pressure in your head the more negative G you pull. Think about that feeling you get when you sit in the back of a roller coaster and are going faster than normal over the crests of hills. That's probably -1 at the max. This guy was doing probably -3.

Additionally, you can't reinforce an airframe for both positive and negative G loads. An airplane is flying right side up 90% of the time (even an acrobatic plane) so if it's reinforced to be able to withstand +10g or so without having a structural failure, then the most negative G it's going to be able to pull is somewhere in the negative 3-5 range.

/r/toptalent Thread Parent Link - gfycat.com