What subs have you slowly stopped visiting?

A lot of times, SAS has relevant content. Quite a few of my fellow countrymen say some really stupid shit. It's tiresome knowing that the people saying these things don't use the internet to simply check to see if they're correct first. They'll make completely idiotic statements about Sweden, Germany, the UK as a whole without verifying anything. So that's pretty relevant.

However, in the race for Karma points, some people will credit Americans with a comment without actually checking to see if it truly is an American saying it or if an American made the comment in a screenshot they posted. I can go through someone's history and if I see any word that ends in -our, it's automatically discredited, but they don't really check.

The comments section is sometimes bad also, they'll say things without verifying if they're correct and they'll get upvotes for it and no one will question it except an American.

I actually like visiting the subreddit because we do say some pretty ridiculous crap, but the mods there should do a better job of screening the posts. It's r/shitamericanssay not r/shitaustralians/brits/othereuropeanswhoalsospeakenglishsay

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