What sucks about being your age?

Half the time this mindset will help; I finally have enough financial freedom and career to be able to move almost anywhere I want (As long as that's a small 1-2 bdr apartment.)

On the flipside, I constantly question whether I'm doing enough, whether this is what I really want to be doing, or whether I should just say fuck it and move to another country. Sure I've mostly figured out who I am as a person; but what to really do with that info is a separate matter.

My unsolicited advice for you is this: Don't give up your dreams for the sake of someone else's dreams. Whether it be because you are in love, or it's a family member, or your best friend. Find a way so you can both keep working towards your dreams or realize you can't save theirs.

I will note, that you should want to help the people around you accomplish their dreams. "A rising tide lifts all boats." Just make sure you know your limits, do what you can do, without harming your future.

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