What technology are you shocked has not advanced yet?

Worked at a bank for nearly 10 years. We had to watch the tapes almost every day for various reasons. People would use the coin machine and walk out with the slip (which we need right away so we can balance the vaults and machine) and we would need to see who it was. People like to think they could come back saying we gave them the incorrect amount, so we would watch the teller physically hand out and count the correct amount of cash. Some old lady with dementia’s Power of Attorney would claim money was stolen from the account, and we’d have footage of said old lady coming in which she later forgot she did. Various things would happen in the drive through and we would need to get vehicle identification. Some guy grabbed a customer’s ass and we could press charges if we had visual proof. Surprisingly, there’s lots of child abuse (parents treating their impatient children poorly while they wait in line) and we review the tapes to make sure no lines were crossed where we would need to ban the customers from coming in. Speaking of bans, people get VERY upset and blame us when they manage their money poorly. Tons of verbal/physical threats to staff, so we review the tapes to alert other staff members to use caution around different people.

TLDR: we don’t just use cameras only when a robbery happens, so higher resolution cameras would be incredible and completely worth the investment.

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