What is there no word for but should be?

This question bring up a very interesting topic of how languages are different.

My native language is Serbian, and ever since I came to study in Canada, I've started experiencing this language difference and it's very amusing to think about it. For example: - Serbian has No word for "pattern" , you literally have to explain what a pattern is - Luck and Happiness, are the same word in Serbian, but the meaning changes with context - The exact same word is used for : Earth(planet), earth,soil, ground, country, state. It depends on the context - Serbian has a word that exactly describes almost every relationship in a family, i.e aunt and uncle are a sister and a brother of your parent, in Serbian every one of these has a separate word so you know if I'm talking about your father's sister, or your mother's brother. This goes way deeper, for example, there's a name for your husband's brother's wife. I guess family's important.

I know this question was asked with regards to English, but I just couldn't not mention this.

/r/AskReddit Thread