What was that thing the weird kid did from your school?

I feel bad lol cuz the "weird kid" was actually autistic but high functioning. I just don't want people to get the impression that autistic people are weird in general. Most are socially awkward but a lot of them just keep to themselves and are generally really cool people but anyways. This particular kid was really aggressive and outta control sometimes. I just remember he'd tap random people on their shoulders and when they'd turn around, he'd like fake like he was gonna punch them so they'd flinch. Lol he even did this to girls lol. It was kinda crazy.

Anyways, I remember the last craziest thing he ever did was my senior of hs. A lot of people get the impression that autistic people are mentally handicapped but they're not at all. The best way to describe them is they're socially handicap, so he was in classes with everyone. He had some special ed classes but maybe it was an hour a day. He probably used the time as a study hall class.

But anyways, so it's my last year of Hs and he was in a math class with me. It was a really cool class for me because my best friend was in there and just a bunch of people I got along with, so I always had a good time in there. Well one day this kid in the middle of a lesson starts accusing my math teacher of bashing the school on craigslist. Completely outta nowhere. And at first everyone just kinda looked at him and the teacher and the lesson just continued.

A few moments later the kid says it again, he's like "I know it's u. Ur on Craigslist talking bad about this school. Ur lying" and that's when everyone was like "wtf...?" And the teacher just lost it, he was like "What the hell are u talking about? Are u kidding me right now??? What the hell are u talking about????" and it was so awkward because normally, I'd laugh my ass off at a situation like this but the energy was so tense between them. Like that kid truly believed our math teacher was talking bad about our school online and our teacher just had it. On many occasions our math teacher had to remove this kid from that class just because of his behavior. So I assume he had reached his boiling point with him.

Eventually after going back and fourth about it, the kid got up from his chair and started approaching the teacher and that's when we were like "ok..wtf is going on..?" And he just kept shouting "u did it! Ur writing bad things about our school online, I know it's u!" And at this point, that's when a few people looked like they were gonna get involved. Nothing physical, I just remember a few students intervened and were trying to calm the kid down but he just kept shouting the same shit over and over again and getting closer to the teacher and finally our teacher was like. At the top of his lungs "GET THE HELL OUTTA MY CLASS RIGHT NOW" and everyone just kinda looked around cuz shit got real, real quick. The teacher opened the classroom door and was like "U HEARD ME, GET THE HELL OUTTA MY CLASSROOM NOW!" lol and that was the last time that kid was in there. He just took his stuff and walked to the office lol.

He didn't calm down after that or anything but they removed him from that math class and just basically had an individual social worker teaching him math in the special ed room during that hour. I've known that kid for ages but that was definitely his strangest outburst imo.

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