What topic instantly gets you started on an “old man rant”?

Which all sounds great in theory, but breaks down in real life. "You do the work, or make the money that comes from the work." That's basically how most jobs already operate. True, a small portion of your production goes to a CEO or owner, but the majority goes to workers whose labor doesn't create value, infrastructure etc. Say you work at McDonald's. The CEO pay spread amongst all employees is only a dollar a year. The rest of your labor that you don't take home is going to janitors, the building, utilities, research etc. The means of production is already essentially owned by the workers in any company.

A currency lacking society would be a huge step backwards. The reason our barter system works off money, is because it's more convenient than exchanging goods directly. A doctor isn't going to necessarily want a box of sweaters or whatever someone produces in exchange for their services. Money exists to make trade easier.

Post-scarcity will never exist. There aren't unlimited resources. Unless we develop warp drives and each person gets their own terraformed planet with as many robots as they want, or something.

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