What is a topic where you disagree with the popular opinion of the Reddit community?

That is a tad bit fanciful although I agree in principal.

I think you're misconstruing government action with popular consensus. there wasn't a vote put out among the country's citizens to go to the wars we've been engaged in, we don't participate in direct democracies, these are actions undertaken by the governments in representation of the people. I think especially in cases such as Europe the people overwhelmingly rejected the impetus to go to war on part of the government. In America it wasn't so much the case at least with Afghanistan but more so for Iraq and for the Vietnam war popular opposition was pretty forceful.

This isn't so much about a flaw with democracy as it is this creeping notion of global empire, both on part of the electorate and especially politicians. The United States is far from the days of town hall statesman with idealistic values of liberty and justice for all, we have our hands muddied in the blood of people the world over and the military industrial complex is a super structure of competing ambitions and visions. Moreover our government's almost clandestine appropriation by the wealthiest of actors isn't so much a fault with democracy but rather a testament to the greed of the representatives that are breaking it for the rest of us and a sign of the times that democracy, as with any other institution, ages like the rest of us and aspects of it break down and novel ailments appear. These things can be fixed but only through popular democratic activism, how are we to wage war with drones that fly unmanned and unseen in blue skies on a sunny day?

Furthermore I believe small scale democratic socialism is a model that can continue to work well, and for the super states like America and Europe there needs to be vast democratic reformation from the bottom up. But as long as the status quo remains a relatively affluent one and the voting population can eat their bread and go to the circus things won't change. That is why banks are too big to fail after all, and why governments fear economic downturns.. Look at Greece, they have elected a radically socialist government that simply rejects the reality of the IMF, the EU and their own country's debt.

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