What toxic behavior has been normalized by society?

Saying that you have depression, anxiety and that you dislike being around people. I can't take people seriously after they've mentioned the words depression or anxiety anymore. It used to be that people told that private info with caution, because, after all, they are medical problems, i.e. having a bad life - or just having had a bad event in your life - does not count as depression and depression is not a synonyme for sadness. Most people are just either sad or angry, because they don't have their life in order (which is by no means easy to solve personal problems, in fact, it might be the hardest thing to undergo as you develop as an individual). It is very rare that people have their lives in order. But today you get brownie points for saying that you suffer from d & a and that it is completely normal for any person to just have them. In other words, people justify not taking on their responsibilities, with the notion that they are depressed and hence cannot achieve anything meaningful because of it. It's like it belongs to some sort of group identity, like the "underprivileged" portion of people who just suffer endlessly in a way that others cannot understand. Which in itself is a weak idea, given that we all suffer one way or another regardless, as it is an intrinsic part of life. In christianity, suffering is even seen as an axiom from which we develop "meaning". Saying thay you have d & a is not a proper justification for anything, especially attention. And I'm not neglecting, of course, that some individuals truly are depressed or have anxiety, but it simply isn't the case that some people worldwide have them.

/r/AskReddit Thread