What is the trashiest thing somebody has done at your family Thanksgiving?

I have still never eaten Christmas Dinner with my fiance's family after 10 years together. Not their fault, my mum is super protective of me visiting that once I am there I'm not allowed/ kicks off a toddler tantrum if I suggest leaving the house to visit friends/ his family as our families live 40 mins away from each other whilst we as a couple live 8 hours away (used to be 3 hours). I love being at my mums for Christmas but she says every year next time I should go to his parents place only to kick off if I suggest it nearer the time or give me guilt trips.

TBH I'd prefer to stay at my mums but I'm invited every year and feel rude not going. In the 10 years we have been together we have only spent 3 Christmas's together (2 of those when I had to work on Christmas).

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent