What TV show did you love but had an ending so bad that it retroactively ruined/changed your experience of the show?

I’m still pissed at IMK for that one. Ugh. Even Cece being trans was problematic. I was desperately hoping that what theplltheorist was closer to the truth... that it was like Romans and Juliet and that Cece was in love with Charles and trying to avenge his death....

It made NO SENSE that the villain turned out to be trans. She could’ve included actual trans actors without having to turn them into crazy, stalker villains. The actress who plays Cece isn’t even trans, which is an issue in and of itself.

This show had me hooked for years since it started when I was in HS. I just wanted answers but I kept watching and just kept getting more and more angry.

/r/television Thread Parent