What typical fantasy trope have you subverted, averted or otherwise changed?

Matriarchal society.

This is due to the fact that my world's economy is based not on gold but a sort of magic wine—called Cassain or Cassany Wine—that prolongs life, prevents aging, cures disease etc. One of the negative side effects, however, is changing the genes of regular drinkers. This results in a female-male ratio among populations of almost 10:1.

I've yet to fully define the inhabitants of my world. They're practically human for all intents and purposes, though more fey & split into two races: the taller and the smaller folk. Calling them elves or halflings, or anything like that would be both cliche and misleading, and not only because the height difference isn't that dramatic. Let's just call them humans with a magical streak.

It should be noted that there isn't as much of a difference in strength between the genders after generations of exposure to and indulgence in Cassany Wine. Due to the rarity of males, society is ordered differently. In this sense the gender roles are reversed. Public life is dominated by women and males are mostly kept around for breeding purposes.

The action of the main story revolves around when the ratio begins to slide further out of balance and the main characters, while fighting their own battles, stumble onto a way to return balance to the natural order, if there even is such a thing anymore.

Plan on having a transgender main character. It's a way of processing my own journey and I think we are definitely underrepresented in fantasy and sci fi.

/r/worldbuilding Thread